Keynote Lecturers
Structural Protection of Architectural Heritage Using Appropriate Composite Tech-Material. Some case histories in Italy after experimental research.
Angelo Di Tommaso
Accademia delle Scienze di Bologna
Angelo Di Tommaso was adjunct professor of STATICS at the University of Florence (1970-74) full professor of SCIENCE OF CONSTRUCTION at the University of Bologna (1975-1997) and then at the IUAV University of Venice (1997-2011).
He carried out pioneering research in the field of Fracture Mechanics and the use of composite materials in civil engineering, applying his knowledge to practical engineering cases. He has published three widely circulated textbooks and numerous scientific memoirs. He is currently a member emeritus of the Academy of Sciences in Bologna.
The concept of resilience
from classic times
to Anthropocene era
Maurizio Indirli
ENEA past Director of Research
Maurizio Indirli, born November 4th, 1955, San Donà di Piave (Venice, Italy). Living at Bologna and Trento (Italy). Secondary School Scientific Degree: Liceo Galilei, Verona (Italy). MSc Degree: Nuclear Mechanics Engineering, University of Bologna, Italy (1985). Engineer’s qualifying examination: 1985. PhD: University of Trento (Italy) on Structural Engineering, Modelling, Preservation and Control of Materials and Structures (2010). At ENEA (Italian National Agency for New technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development) since 1988: activities on prevention of natural catastrophes, structural engineering, antiseismic innovative techniques (as base isolation and energy dissipation), to improve industrial plants, strategic construction/infrastructure, residential housing, cultural heritage. Reviewer for several International/National journals. Author/co-author of more than 130 publications (scientific papers, chapters of books, etc.).
Climate Change and Cultural Heritage:
A European Perspective on Protection and Adaptation
Johanna Leissner
Scientific Representative for Fraunhofer
Trained as a chemist and materials scientist. She has been working and managing cultural heritage research for over 20 years, focusing on the impact of climate change on cultural heritage, environmental monitoring of cultural assets, and promoting the green transition by implementing the concept of sustainability for green museums and cultural heritage buildings and collections.
She has chaired the EU OMC (Open Method of Coordination) Expert Group of European Member States “Strengthening Cultural Heritage Resilience for Climate Change” and is a member of the EU Commission Expert Group Cultural Heritage Forum, established in 2019. 2022 – 2023 Coordinator of the EIT (European Institute of Technology) Programme Culture & Creativity from 2022-2029 and from 2020 to 2023 Coordinator of the German research project KERES “Protecting cultural heritage from extreme climate events and increasing resilience” and of the EU project Climate for Culture from 2009 to 2014. She is a partner in the Austrian Academy of Sciences project “Modelling the impact of future climate change on museum pests and fungi” (2021- 2024) and in the German project “Damage prevention for cultural assets in times of climate change” (2022-2024).
German delegate to the Council of Europe Strategy “European Cultural Heritage in the 21st Century” (2018) and to the UNESCO World Heritage Expert Group on Climate Change Impacts on Cultural Heritage (2017). Since 2005, scientific representative of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft at the European Union in Brussels. Co-founder of the German Research Alliance for the Protection of Cultural Heritage in 2008 and of the Fraunhofer Sustainability Network. From 2001 to 2005 National Expert of the Federal Republic of Germany for “Technologies for the Protection of the European Cultural Heritage” at the European Commission in Brussels.
under definition
Humberto Varum
University of Porto
Humberto Varum is Full Professor at the Civil Engineering Department of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal.
He is Integrated Member of CONSTRUCT research unit: Institute of R&D in Structures and Construction.
He has been Seconded National Expert to the ELSA laboratory, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Italy, in the period July 2009 to August 2010.
Since May 2015, he his member of the directorate body of the Construction Institute from the University of Porto, and President since 2019.
He is Member of the National Committee of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), since 2009, and Expert Member of the ICOMOS’s International Scientific Committee of Earthen Architectural Heritage (ISCEAH).
He is member of the Mexican Academy of Engineering, since 2018.
He has participated to post-earthquake field reconnaissance missions, in particular to L’Aquila (Italy, 2009), Lorca (Spain, 2011), Emilia-Romagna (Italy, 2012), Gorkha (Nepal, 2015) and Puebla (Mexico, 2017).
His main research interests include: assessment, strengthening and repair of structures, earthquake engineering, historic constructions conservation and strengthening.