Guidelines for oral presentation
Oral Presentations
Presentations should last no longer than 12 minutes to allow 3 minutes for questions and changeover to the next speaker. All screens are in widescreen (16:9) format.
Each speaker is requested to bring along the presentation on a USB pen and to upload the presentation in the room which is assigned to his/her presentation at least 1 hour before the session starts.
Audio-Visual Equipment
Presentation rooms are equipped with projectors for computer-based presentations.
Presentations should be prepared in PowerPoint or PDF.
Presenters will be provided with a remote controller, with integrated laser pointer that can be used to advance slides in PowerPoint. Slides with movies (format .MOV or MP4) must be checked for playback on the laptop.
For Mac users: Power Point slides are normally compatible. If you use “Keynote” please take care that the file is converted in PDF.
The use of one’s personal Laptop is strongly discouraged.